My Absolute Very Most Favorite Zinnias

There was a time when my zinnia bed looked like this:

Pretty impressive, right? They are still short in the picture as it was only July. They quickly grew 3 – 4 feet tall and bloomed all summer. They got lots of sun, and enough air circulation that powdery mildew was non-issue.

But I . . . → Read More: My Absolute Very Most Favorite Zinnias

OhWhatAWednesday – River Birch Bark

The picture says it all. River birch bark looks great in winter. The good news is that winter is just about over, even the snow you see in this picture is gone. Woohoo!

This is an installment in the OhWhatAWednesday series, where I dare to take on the task of finding something in my . . . → Read More: OhWhatAWednesday – River Birch Bark