A Tisket, A Tasket, A Dahlia Filled Basket

Yes! Its time for our dahlias to take center stage. I spoke for the Potawatomie Garden Club in St. Charles and made 6 vases of dahlias to share with them. Finally, I am out in my garden with the preverbal basket gathering blooms.

Of course, later in the day, it was back to business as usual. I had 65 dahlias to peruse and make sure they were all well secured to the rebar with twine. Gotta do it or those September gusts of wind and rain will take ’em down. A big hug will do, so I wrap the twine around the whole bush. No need to fuss and do individual branches.

It’s a time consuming task for us, but it is worth it. And of course, if you have just a few dahlias, it will take only a few minutes. We try, but the task does sometimes get away from us. Here is Mike when we missed a few one year. That is one sad face.

So out you go. Now. It is time to make sure your dahlias are tied up to the stake!

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