Aubrey, Our Puppy Gardener

Our Aubrey is becoming a gardener! At one year old, this cutie spends more time in the garden than Mike and I. Here she is “logging” some time.

Aubrey – Logging some time in the garden

What is it about puppies that we all love so much? Soft, cuddly, cute, destructive. Well, ok, they get away with that last one cuz, well, they are soft, cuddly, and cute. And then there is devoted. Puppies love you with all of their heart and then some. Why I bet at this very moment you are looking at the picture below and you are falling in love too. Who wouldn’t?

Aubrey – Totally adorable

Mike loves her too. After all, a man and his dog surveying their kingdom together is about as good as it gets.

Surveying the kingdom

She was already helpful last summer. Here she is moving (ok, also chewing) a pot for me.

Aubrey helps

Last year she was also into digging. This was not necessarily a good thing. It was mostly where there was a toy buried. You know, a toy like landscape fabric. Sigh. Fortunately, I don’t use a lot of landscape fabric and she is digging less now that she is almost a year old. Her niche seems to be chewing the logs and branches into tiny pieces. I would need a lot more of those tiny pieces for them to be an effective mulch. Right now they are an effective mess. Still, she is part of the team and we have promoted her to Branch Manager!

Aubrey – Branch Manager

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