You Call It Goldenrod, I Call It ‘Gone’

Invasive only begins to describe goldenrod. An accurate description would need some adjectives; highly invasive, completely invasive, utterly invasive. Think of the kind of invasive that Attila the Hun was. That is the kind of invasive that Goldenrod is. Drive by a local forest preserve and you’ll know what I mean. Goldenrod will not share . . . → Read More: You Call It Goldenrod, I Call It ‘Gone’

Low Maintenance – Out With The Invasive, In With The New Hydrangeas

Pinkeye and invasive plants have something in common – you don’t want to share them. Any more details on Pinkeye would constitute TMI, so let’s just say having it this weekend did keep me away from the grandchildren, but did not keep me out of the garden. There I spent the afternoon dealing with invasive . . . → Read More: Low Maintenance – Out With The Invasive, In With The New Hydrangeas