Low Maintenance Gardening – Call In The Troops!!!!

There are some areas of my yard that refuse to participate in my low maintenance gardening efforts. Some of them are worth the effort, and I gladly (usually) do what needs to be done to get results like this.

Pretty impressive, huh? I think so too. It will look different in a week for the Elk Grove Garden Club walk, but equally impressive I’m sure.

Still, there are tasks that are just overwhelming, like edging and mulching. I can usually get daunting tasks off my list in one word – that word being ‘Mike’. When I want low maintenance gardening, it often requires nothing more than putting something on Mike’s To Do list. This makes him the sexiest man alive.

But what about when his To Do list looks like this one:

• Replace broken window (and patch bullet holes in wall)
• Deskunk the dog
• Rabbits are gone, now how about the coyotes
• Talk to next door neighbor about walking around his yard naked
• Remove cousin Clement and family from spare bedroom
• Indoor plumbing would be nice
• What is that smell in the basement?
• Finish the addition (not likely)

Ok, so his To Do list isn’t quite that bad, but somehow edging and mulching have traditionally been mine. Lots of edging. Lots. And lots of mulching. Lots. He goes to Bertholds for a landscape trailer full of mulch. I empty it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Not this year!!!

Enter Bill, and his friend George. (Sorry, I’ve only got a picture of Bill.) They come with the strength and endurance of 15 year olds. Because that is what they are. 15 year olds anxious to make some money. 15 year olds just a bit too young to get a job at the grocery store. 15 year olds who are helping me. Woohoo!

We are moving along in the edging and mulching process. I use the word ‘we’ very loosely as I mostly act as the drill sergeant. Everything is falling into place, and I’m so glad I called in the troops.

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