Protecting Your Fish From Predators

Big fish, little fish, same problem.  Big pond, little pond, same problem. Big or small, something always wants to eat the fish in your pond.

Your pond could be big enough to be fed by a waterfall like Richard and Peggy Judd’s…

Your pond could be as little as this one, also at the home of Richard and Peggy Judd…

Either way, there is some animal one step up on the food chain who wants your fish to be dinner. It could be a raccoon. It could be a heron. It could be your own darn cat. So why don’t the creatures on the Judd’s lovely wooded lot eat the fish? Inquiring minds wanted to know. We wanted to know why our pond looked like this..

And their pond looked like this…

Ok, it would be quite a stretch to think that our pond would look like theirs if we took off the grid. The good news is that we have taken off the grid, thanks to the advice of Richard Judd. It has been a few months now. The fish are doing fine, and they are ever so pleased with their more attractive surroundings. You can even see what we are doing that the Judds did. Mike now has fishing line running around the pond. We added the little bells to make noise, which has perhaps done absolutely nothing, but we did it anyway.

Here is a closer picture…

Now go back to take a look at Rich and Peggy Judd’s pond again. Yep, a really close look. You can see the fish line if you really look for it. It’s been working for them, and it worked for us!

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