Use The Law Of Attraction To Attract Frogs

You may have heard of the Law of Attraction. The basic idea is that you are giving off vibes whether you realize it or not. The vibes can be good, or bad, and you get back what you give. So if you are having a bad day, you are likely giving off bad vibes, attracting other folk’s bad vibes and thus worsening your day. You learn from this, and make a conscious effort to give off good vibes. You get back good vibes, and all is well.

I contend we can take this a step further. I thought about frogs. I got frogs. If you read I Want A Frog, you know that I wanted one for our pond. If you read Someone Make Those Frogs Shut Up! you know that just days later I went to Orlando, and had so many frogs in the marsh behind the hotel that the noise was bothersome.

My vibes attracted more frogs than that. Our group went out to lunch at Amigos. Guess what? 6 foot tall frogs (not live ones of course) for decoration.

Then I’m packing. Time to pick out one of the change purses I bought in St. Augustine and claim it as mine. You guessed it; there was one with frogs on it. I apparently sent out subconscious frog vibes when I was shopping.

The best news of all – Mike sent me a picture of our very own pond frog. Mike didn’t have to rely on my vibes; we had talked about it. He read I Want A Frog and went to work. Minimal work was required, as Mike was hiding something from me. He already thought our pond had a frog. He did build up some areas to make it easier for the frog to come and go from the water. Next thing you know, we’ve got this:

Hmmm … maybe its time for me to start thinking about going back to St. Augustine. Perhaps I can vibe us there.

Do you think this is the end of our frog saga? For now, yes. But aren’t you wondering how Mike is going to get rid of the ugly green gridwork that is protecting our fish from predators. Take a look.

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