Is December Too Late To Plant Bulbs?

Carol plants bulbs on Dec 27 web 300 IMG_6028Could you – should you – would you – plant bulbs in December? After all, zone 5 tends to be a bit less than balmy in winter. The answer is a resounding YES, if Mother Nature agrees. This year, that meant that Mike and I were out planting tulips Saturday, December 27th. It was 45 degrees and has been above freezing regularly, so the ground isn’t frozen. Bulbs do require time in the cold, and these will have the required 8 – 12 weeks, even with the late planting date. We planted them pointed side up, in case you were wondering. Last year, with frigid temps, this late December planting would have been impossible.

Our garden center, Berthold’s, still had bulbs for sale, at reduced prices. This I appreciated. They were solid healthy bulbs that I was happy to get my hands on. Others in the store who were looking at the after Christmas sales might have thought I’d lost my good senses. I’ll remember those folks as I enjoy my blooms this spring.

Bulbs purchased Dec 27 2014

I also planted inside, in containers large and small. Isn’t the teapot below adorable? The bulbs were placed in potting soil so they were almost touching. Then I covered them with about an inch more of the potting soil. They will be mostly ignored in the garage for the minimum 8 weeks of cold that hyacinths require and the 12 weeks daffodils require. After that, they will go in a window or outside. We’ve done that before with great success, and minimal care, as you can see at Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – Buckets Of Bulbs Planted In December Are Blooming. Mike watered them just a little once or twice that winter, but to be honest, we pretty much forgot about them till we noticed sprouts in March. That’s the kind of dedicated winter gardener I am.

Potted bulbs in garage

I planted the previous weekend as well, including the hyacinths below that are also in the garage. They are in glass containers, with glass gems at the bottom and just enough water for the roots to grow into. The bulbs themselves are NOT in the water. I was excited to see they are already rooting! If it gets too close to freezing out there, Mike will bring them into a cool spot in the house for a while. He will also add water as needed to keep the roots in the water and the bulbs out of the water. A turkey baster will be his tool of choice for that task. After 8 weeks, we will bring them inside by a bright window. I’m really interested in how well this experiment succeeds, as the idea of the stems being supported by the container intrigues me.

Bulbs in glass containers

Are you intrigued too? Call your garden center. Maybe they still have bulbs.

4 comments to Is December Too Late To Plant Bulbs?

  • Hey Carol – Just found your photos/blog on Winter Aconite (and your baby grandson Cameron). Eranthis – That’s what I purchased and didn’t get into the ground. I’m wondering if I can “plant” them in the garage like we are doing with the other bulbs and then transplant them in the spring once the ground thaws? Looking forward to seeing if they will sprout and bloom. The foliage reminds me of windflowers. The bloom is certainly ranunculus/butter cup!
    See you SOON! =^D Sue

  • Brittany

    Love the containers you’re using! I’m planning my first container garden this spring and glad to hear it’s not too early to start! Not quite sure what kind of flowers to plant yet, but I found this fun app on iTunes called LikeThat Garden to help me decide. You can take photos of flowers you like and it will tell you the name and show you similar-looking flowers you might enjoy as well. Thought you might like to check it out too!

    • Carol Cichorski

      Another app they were touting at the Chicago Flower and Garden show is GrowIt. You can post pictures for gardeners within 75 miles of you to see and comment on, and also see their pictures and insights on what they have grown.

  • […] I planted hyacinth bulbs in plain old water for Christmas gifts, and they are blooming too. Pictured here three weeks after I planted and left them in my garage, the root structure was strong. We kept the water slightly short of the bulb itself and the roots were smart enough to find it. I babysat them till Super Bowl Sunday, and Kathy tells me hers are blooming. Again, I know that is what bulbs are supposed to do, yet again surprised. […]

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