The Dahlia Family Garden Party

Invite by GlueMeetsPaper on Pinterest

Invite by GlueMeetsPaper on Pinterest

We had quite the garden party this year, with over a hundred notable guests. They were all from the same family, one with quite a bit of inbreeding I must admit. Did I mention they were all dahlias? 76 varieties were invited, with 113 plants in attendance.

It helped that the weather was so accommodating this summer. Our guests stayed long and looked mahvelous, dahling, mahvelous.


Our guest list included Ben, Emory Paul, and Dan.

Ben Huston

Ben Huston

Emory Paul

Emory Paul

Trooper Dan

Trooper Dan








We had a Harvey, a Harry, and a Helen.

Harvey Koop

Harvey Koop

Harry Meggos

Harry Meggos

Helen Richmond

Helen Richmond








They hailed from across the globe, with appearances by Normandy Sweet Lucy, Colorado Classic, and Spartacus.

Normandy Sweet Lucy

Normandy Sweet Lucy

Colorado Classic

Colorado Classic










There was a Drummer Boy for entertainment, and a Duet. It was quite a Fiesta.

Drummer Boy

Drummer Boy



Carmen Fiesta

Carmen Fiesta







We feasted on Salmon with Ketchup and Mustard, enjoying Honey Dew for dessert.

Wynns King Salmon

Wynns King Salmon

Ketchup and Mustard

Ketchup and Mustard

Honey Dew

Honey Dew








Our party started in August. The guests stayed long enough to see a Tahiti Sunrise, Bill’s Sunset and Wanda’s Moonlight.

Tahiti sunrise

Tahiti sunrise

Bills Sunset

Bills Sunset

Wandas Moonlight

Wandas Moonlight








One group was rather caddy, choosing to move on to a party at Willow Creek Church. We took 32 vases to church that day. Here’s a group picture. A very close family. Many others choose to stay behind and I have to admit there were so many guests left that our defectors weren’t missed.

Basket of Dahlias

Basket of Dahlias


It’s really a rather exclusive guest list, fine-tuned over a 10 year period. Mike still finds new varieties that he wants to grow, and he has to say goodbye to old friends to make way for his new acquaintance, new acquaintances who have to prove themselves to be invited back next year. A dahlia, for example, that has a beautiful bloom, but produces few of them, won’t find an invite in the mail from Mike next year.

Wanda’s Aurora will be on our guest list. She’s beautiful, and quite the repeat bloomer.

Wandas Aurora

Wandas Aurora

To everyone’s chagrin, the good time had to end. Our guests called it quits when there was a hard frost. It was time to bring them in to rest a bit over the winter, then we will start planning next year’s party.

1 comment to The Dahlia Family Garden Party

  • Donna

    Gorgeous!! I was just looking for ideas for my own dahlia collection and came upon your blog! What a kindred spirit! Like you, I have lots of dahlias that I dig up and bring in each fall. Sometimes I think I’m crazy for doing it, but I love them so much and yes… they are like family!!

    Can’t wait to see how your garden looks this year! Can’t wait for summer! 🙂

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