Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – ‘Hy’ and ‘Dry’

Anticipation is what I like best about vacations. I’m not a ‘Wow that’s a great surprise – I’ll pack a bag now’ kinda gal. You’ve taken away half of the fun if I can’t think about a vacation before we go. Nonetheless, if any of you are thinking of sending me a surprise all expense . . . → Read More: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – ‘Hy’ and ‘Dry’

In The ‘I Think I Can’ Category

I had a nice talk with one of my hibiscus plants today. Accordingly, Hy is determined to be the star of tomorrow’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. I’m not a stage Mom, so there is no pressure. Ok, well maybe a little pressure.

I can just see Hy chugging along the last few days, inherently aware . . . → Read More: In The ‘I Think I Can’ Category