Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – February 2011

Here’s a new one for me – Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. A bunch of garden bloggers post on the 15th of each month, with the common topic of posting something that is blooming right then and there. If you’ve been following my zone 5 winter series OhWhatAWednesday, you already know I’ve been posting each week on something that looks good in my garden during the winter. Yes, I’m taking liberties with the word ‘blooming’, and interpretting it as ‘what looks good’. Winter aesthetics is about so much more than the bloom itself. Wanna see me really go out on a limb with interpretation this week? (The answer is yes.) Check out tomorrow’s OhWhatAWednesday.

I could have used Garden Bloggers Bloom Day a few years ago when my garden traditionally looked rather un-bloom-full during July, just when we’d be having our garden walk. I could have seen what looked good in other gardens in July, and then planned appropriately for the next garden walk. An opportunity to go shopping!

So where would I have looked for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day? And where can you look for it? At

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