Chicago Flower and Garden Show Discount Tickets

Purple hyacinth
There. I have your attention. We all like saving money and $4.00 off the admission price for the Chicago Flower and Garden Show is attention worthy.

After all, the fragrance of 1000 hyacinths will be intoxicating. It has been an easy Chicago winter, but winter non-the-less. I am so ready for the show at Navy Pier. I will again be the On-Site Seminar Manager, this time for Saturday March 12th through Wednesday. The show continues without me through Sunday March 20th.

A few of the seminars I am especially looking forward to are:

Sunday March 13th at 3:30 pm
Add architecture to your landscape without constructing a thing! In this seminar, you will learn how plants can define a space, guide your eye or bring a sense of order to the garden.

Monday March 14th at 11:00 am
Melinda will cover simple ideas for packing a lot of garden into a small space and creating an intimate garden within a large lot. She’ll share tips and techniques for designing and maintaining gardens with year-round interest in every layer of your landscape—from the ground to the roofline.

butterflyI’ve also decided my favorite garden at the show is likely to be from Brookfield Zoo. Though I may not be able to recreate the Zoo Blooms exhibit with an 11-foot peacock, a 33-foot snake, a butterfly with a 14-foot wingspan and a stunning fountain, I sure look forward to seeing it.

About those discount tickets…
Check out the Proven Winners site. You can save $2 off adult weekday or weekend online tickets. Purchase your tickets prior to March 12 and save a total of $4 off box office pricing.

See you at the show!

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